There are a ton of things that companies try to sell you when it comes to gaming. Chairs that help your posture, headphones that don’t damage your ears and mouse pads that support your wrist. But there is a new product that is marketed towards people who play video games and you might not be sure whether they are legit or not.
What are Gaming Glasses?
When someone says “glasses” we often assume that they are for vision correction. Either that or they are supposed to protect our eyes from the UV light from the sun, in other words, sunglasses. But when it comes to gaming glasses we can’t categorize it this way instantly, so what are they exactly?
Their main purpose is protecting your eyes from the harmful blue light that emits from technology and screens. You have probably already heard of how harmful it can be after a prolonged period of time and that you should avoid it if you can. Because of this, many devices already have blue light filters so that your vision remains undamaged. But some of these are cheaply made that don’t work well or completely ruin the colors you are supposed to see and experience. Gaming glasses are here to help with this. They filter out the blue light and replace it with a slightly yellow color. At first, it will be a bit weird and you might be put off from the idea, but people get used to it pretty quickly and you will eventually start seeing colors more vividly than before or just as normal.
Visual enhancers
Gaming glasses can make the visuals much better and aren’t nearly as bad as you would believe at first. The yellow tint takes some getting used to (usually, people will get used to them within a week’s time), but it has a ton of positive effects otherwise.
Firstly, they make the picture clearer, as the absence of the blue light will make your eyes focus better. This way, your vision won’t be blurry and thus, whatever you are watching will be much more defined. This goes for games and videos as well, so these glasses can even help when it comes to watching movies.
Secondly, they can reduce glare. That means that you can put your laptop or monitor in a place where there is direct sunlight and you will still be able to see the screen. Still not as much as in shade, but the glasses make a significant difference. Especially during summer when the light is even more intense. This quality of gaming glasses is very convenient for those people who placed their PC or laptop in a spot where light is constantly shining.
Performance boosters
At first, you probably thought that gaming glasses are just a way to waste money. That there is no way some little pieces of plastic could help you play better. But by now, you probably already know that you were wrong, just not how much. These glasses can actually help you play better. The lack of blue light also helps with your reaction time, as your eyes are much less strained. You can notice sudden happenings faster and thus, you will be able to react a lot sooner than without glasses. This works especially well if you play shooter games or story-driven games that have quick-time events.
What is Blue Light?
The only thing these glasses do is get rid of blue light and it does wonders for the user. Because of this, you might wonder what blue light actually is, as it apparently causes a lot of harm to anyone who looks at screens. Let’s talk about what colors are first.
They are nothing more than lights of various wavelengths. The shorter they are, the higher their energy is. But let’s be honest, that doesn’t really mean much to the average person. It seems like science mumbo jumbo that nobody would be able to understand without further research. So let’s make it simple. There is a “visible light spectrum”. This includes violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. They are in short to long-wavelength order. Blue has one of the shortest wavelengths and highest energies. But what does that mean when it comes to our screens? It means that it flickers more often. Have you ever watched a video that just shows you black and white after one another really quickly? This is basically the same, except the amount of time it takes to flicker is much shorter and the effect is smaller.
The bad part is that we tolerate this. We can continue looking at screens for hours on end and we will barely feel the side effects of it. In the end, our eyes will endure way too much of this flickering and they will be strained, tired and eventually our vision will start to deteriorate from this constant focus. This is especially bad for older people, as their retinas are likely already damaged and this kind of strain can make the vision loss a lot worse in a short amount of time.
All in all, blue light is a very straining thing that we see every single day. But we should do our best to protect our eyes from it. After all, we only have 1 set of eyes.
Where Can I Buy Gaming Glasses?
There are a lot of online stores that specialize in gaming gear. But if you want to get yourself some quality glasses that actually protect your eyes then you need to do your research. Thankfully though, we have already done that for you.
Glass Eye Wear is one of the best ones out there. They provide quality glasses that are made of metal and plastic and can easily take some rough handling. These items are made with a lot of care, so the company ensures customers that their purchases will be very worth it. Although, there is one thing people don’t like about their store. The prices. They are pretty steep and some might not be able to afford them.
Amazon is a really great place to look at well. You can find several brands here, some of which are not even specialized for gamers. But don’t consider that a flaw, as the word “gaming” can easily make companies jack up their prices because they think people will think that their items are of better quality. If you shop here then compare prices and choose whatever fits you best.
And finally… Ebay. We know, some people consider it sketchy, especially if you order something from China. But the thing is: their quality isn’t any worse than what you could order from Amazon. They don’t want their customers to have a bad experience either. Plus, they offer the best prices out there if you are willing to wait a little longer. Generally speaking, if you are on a budget but still want these glasses then you need to buy them from here.
Generally, gaming glasses aren’t a requirement to be a pro gamer or an esports professional. You can easily do it without them and be successful. However, using a pair of them can easily save you some future trips to the optometrist and it can also improve your overall experience while gaming. So, why take the risk when you can just buy a pair of glasses? Your eyes will thank you later!
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